Submit a Proposal
Are you interested in having your artwork showcased in the Looking Glass Gallery? If so, you can submit an exhibition proposal for a chance to be featured. Review the below information to learn what to include in your submission and how the selection process works.
How to apply
Only completed applications will be accepted and reviewed. To apply, artists are required to submit the following:
- Completed the Exhibition Proposal Application Form
- PowerPoint or Google Slide Presentation containing images, artwork information, artist/exhibition statement, artist(s) biographical information
All completed submissions will be reviewed by the PSU Art Committee. Exhibition proposals that are not chosen will be returned with comments and suggestions for constructing a stronger proposal. Resubmission to the gallery is highly encouraged.
Incomplete applications will not be reviewed by the PSU Art Committee. They will be returned to the artist and may be resubmitted. Feel free to reach out to the Looking Glass Gallery Curator ( with questions about the application.
Application deadline: January 16, 2025 at 11:59pm

Guidelines for submission
The body of work must be enough to fill the gallery (~56 linear feet of wall space for art). Video will be accepted for video and installation pieces only.
Application requirements
All applications must include:
- Preferred dates for exhibit (please indicate any conflicting dates) – Delivery/Installations/De-Installations normally take place on Mondays or Wednesdays with exhibits opening that Tuesday or Thursday respectively. Our staff strives to keep each exhibit to 3-4 weeks in length. Please keep in mind that holidays, University breaks, and inclement weather may affect the timing of the opening/closing of your show. We host opening receptions for each exhibition, typically on the first Thursday or Friday that the show is open.
- A PowerPoint or Google Slide presentation showing images of work – Please submit 10-15 images in a PowerPoint or Google Slide presentation of the finished body of work you wish to exhibit. For every image submitted, you must include: artist name, title, date created (i.e.: 2019), size with the length listed first (length x width x depth if applicable) (i.e.: 18” x 24”). Your submitted body of work should form a cohesive whole and not a sample of various assignments you have done in class or other unrelated pieces. Do not send images of work which you do not intend to exhibit or images of work-in-progress, unless the latter is one or two pieces that can be easily finished by your exhibition date and are clearly related to the finished work. It should also be unified visually, with attention paid to how the form and/or the process support(s) the concept or idea put forth in your exhibition statement. Instructors who apply to the gallery for class exhibition space should provide images (of finished work or works in progress), an image list, and a conceptual exhibition statement.
- A brief exhibition statement explaining the concept of the exhibit – This should be no more than one page typed and it should thoroughly convey the concept of your exhibition.
- Artist’s/Artists’ biographical information – A short paragraph with the artist’s status as a student at App State (major if you wish to include it), achievements, art focuses, and other information pertaining to your work as an artist. If more than one artist is submitting an application for exhibition, then statements from all artists or a joint statement are required.
Things to avoid
- Sending work in different media, unless that work is clearly and coherently related both in idea and form.
- Sending unrelated work from various class projects.
- Creating an exhibition statement that doesn’t fully explain your concept or leaves questions about what you are doing and why.
- Creating an exhibition statement that does not seem related to the work.
- Sending uneven or unedited work; that is, some pieces are very good and others are not well done or well crafted; or three pieces seem to go together visually and/or intellectually and two do not.
- Submitting photos of work that are not well documented; please crop and edit photos to accurately reflect the colors/values of your work, please avoid shadows cast on your art in photons, and please avoid including any distracting elements in the background of photographed sculptures.
Guidelines for proposed curated installations/exhibitions
If you intend to curate and install an exhibit of artworks outside of your own work, you MUST send images of some of the finished work for the installation and a complete, clear, and understandable explanation of what you intend to do (exceptions noted below). You MUST provide details on exactly what process/methodology you will use, what form the installation/exhibition will take, and the point or idea of the installation and how the form/process supports it. Additionally, you need to provide detailed drawings of the installation within the gallery space.
Curated installation proposals should also include the following:
- Drawings of the space and the objects to be placed within this space.
- Written description of the form, the process/methodology, and how it relates to your overall concept.
- Slides of work to be used in the installation or permission of the committee to substitute other examples of work and a clear and coherent description (see above).
- Two faculty member references.
Explanation of the selection process
Submissions will be reviewed by the PSU Art Committee. Possibilities exist for two-person or group shows as well as one-person shows to be selected by the committee. All things being equal, preference will be given to graduating (senior) students and graduating (senior) students with BFA or Thesis requirements. However, there is no guarantee of acceptance and all decisions by the committee will be final.
If you have any questions concerning the application process or would like more information, please email